Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just one of those weeks

This has been a week from hell and it is only Wednesday! I really think there is a line of people somewhere pushing a button that says F with Melanie this week.

Monday was just full of being mad because I haven't gotten a routine down for this semester and school started a month ago. I'm trying to figure out how to do EVERYTHING in this freakin apartment ALONE and still study for the ton of tests I have every week, homework, papers to write, cook, and see about the dogs. I think I'm going on stike very soon.

Then came Tuesday. I went to school and in my third class of the day I wanted to physically hurt the professor. She almost had a angry mob to deal with. She is a great lab teacher but sucks as a lecture teacher. Just on Tuesday, she changed our test day (which was good because we learned we have to research and teach ourselves half of the material), explained to us how she is using our quizs from in class as 20% of each test (she quizs us on material we have not been taught), and adds a chapter to our test and says I think you should know this so I'm not teaching it. How I wanted to climb over my table and show her how I can use latex gloves for things other than Lab. You don't mess with my grades. Luckily I have extra points and a A- average on the quizs so far and will just have to give up a few more hours of sleep a night until December. AHHHHH!

Anyway, today is just another one of those days when I wished I had a restart button . First, I was woken up by the fire alarm going off in the bedroom. I spent a few minutes trying to unplug the alarm and stopped when I heard fire trucks. I pulled the dogs out of the bedroom in their kennel and went outside to escape the noise. There was no escape, the entire complex and grounds had alarms sounding. I think my ears began to bleed after fourty minutes. To add to the noise and frustration of the situation, all the dogs in the complex were whining and barking for the entire time. Thank God, after an hour and a half of firemen running around and a headache from hell, there wasn't a thing wrong.

Next, I had to try to study for tonight's government test. That wasn't going how I would like so I took a break and got on facebook to learn that my cousin was found dead in his house this morning. I never knew how informative social networking could be....can you sense the sarcasim. I don't think that is appropriate to post your brother's death on facebook before he has even been taken out of his freakin house. I just love how classy my family can be. Trying to be a good daughter, I call to let my dad know about my cousin.
I call and my dad answers the phone. I ask what's going on and said I heard that my cousin died and wanted to let him know. I figured know one had called yet because he had not called to tell me. His says he has been on the phone all day with family. Well that was sure nice of him. Then he asks how I heard and I tell him FACEBOOK. His respose--oh, that's good....I saw Heather and the kids at her sisters. Ok, thanks for the info dad. What the hell? Again no info about the cousin from him. I get back on facebook and see all the details. CLASSY! Family can be so annoying. All I can say is I remember why we moved and I LOVE living in Texas.
After a day, or week, like this I wish my best friend was closer. I've made a few good friends since we have moved but no one can come close to matching her. I sure could use a few drinks with her right now! Maybe after four or five stiff drinks, we would be able to figure out when our lives changed to what they are now. I know have many things to be thankful and haven't forgotten that fact but today and this week has just made me ask WTF!

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