Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm Dreaming of...Christmas

If you know me, then you know I L-O-V-E Christmas!  It is my all-time favorite holiday.  As I cruised some of the Blogs I regularly visit for scrapbooking, I found this recipe and thought that I should post it here. ( It is courtesy of Paper Jewels)

almond bark, melted
leftover candy canes (or starlight mints)
lollipop sticks

Melt the almond bark in a double boiler.  Crush the candy canes/mints by placing them in a plastic storage bag and pulverizing them with a meat tenderizer or rolling pin.  Be sure to cover the bag with a folded dishtowel as to not burst the bag.  When the candy is melted, place a stick in each marshmallow and dip in almond bark melt (be careful--marshmallows can melt), then dip in crushed candy cane.  Place on wax or parchment paper and cool in refrigerator. (As soon as they are firm, seal in a zip top bag to keep the marshmallows soft.) 

Now Paper Jewels is one craft chick.  She then designed a box to hold a packet of cocoa and the marshmallow pop.  Here is the link for the directions.

Can't wait for it to get cooler.  And BTW, if you are a teacher at my school, you'll likely be receiving these throughout the colder months as part of the Whale Done initiative.

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